2012년 10월 7일 일요일
Vulnerable Creature(2012) is coming!!
superB Dance Theatre의 Vulnerable Creature 2012 작품이 곧 무대에 올라갑니다!
배우 류성철씨와의 작업을 통해 만들어진 이번 작품은 solo작품이었던 전과 달리 Duet으로 발전시켜 더 풍성해졌지요.
개인적으로는 무대에 공연자로 서기에 관객과의 만남도 기대되고 있습니다...!
10월 11일에 성암아트홀에서 이뤄지는 공연에 많은 관심과 성원을 바랍니다!
superB's new piece, Vulnerable Creature is going to represent on stage!
The piece developed into duet so it will be more dynamic and dramatic!
also, i am doing this as a dancer so it's really exciting to meet audiences on the stage!!!
You can see me and great actor's performance on 11th of October at Seongam Arts Hall, Seoul!
07/Oct/2012 @ rehearsal studios
Photo by superB Dance Theatre
2012년 6월 15일 금요일
2012년 5월 17일 목요일
Empty Room(2012) - Performance Notice~~!
Empty Room (2012) is presented from 1st of June!
This is superB Dance Theatre's debut in Korea so please support us!
When? - 1st to 3rd of June, 2012
Where? - Sungkyun Theatre, Seoul, Korea
Creative Team
안무/연출 - 김우정 (Choreographer/Director - WooJung Kim)
무용수 - 박진덕, 손지민 (Dancer - JinDeok Park, JiMin Sohn)
무대미술/의상 - 지선 (Scenography - Sun Ji)
음악 - 강진호 (Music - JinHo Kang)
조명 - 이후림 (Lighting Designer - HooRim Lee)
새로운 버젼으로 태어나는 Empty Room이 공연됩니다.
대학로 성균소극장에서 열리는 '춤으로의 여행2012'의 일환으로 진행되는 공연으로
2012년 6월 1일부터 3일까지 찾아갑니다.
많이 와주시고 응원해주시기 바랍니다.
문의 : 02-747-5035 or 011-222-0448
By superB Dance Theatre
2012년 2월 8일 수요일
superB is now...
superB is working on the short musical theatre piece as a director.
Well, it needs totally different perspective I've never concened before!
Such as reaction between singing and pause, spacing when actor's solo or group acting scene...!
Stage work is always interesting but this's got alot of limitation so need a clever mind!
Luckily we've got good performers so i hope it would be fun and joyful!
Another BIG news is, superB Dance Theatre got an offer from Korea for performance!!
One of theatre in Korea leads the dance festival from April to July 2012.
Each weekend will presents one company/group's own performance.
'Empty Room'(2009) is selected as part of this festival so we will present our work on early June!
The piece is going to be reworked for an hour version.
Can't wait to start the rehearsal with new performers in this Spring!!
It's time to show my ability~!!
07/Feb/2012 @ London, UK
by superB Dance Theatre
Well, it needs totally different perspective I've never concened before!
Such as reaction between singing and pause, spacing when actor's solo or group acting scene...!
Stage work is always interesting but this's got alot of limitation so need a clever mind!
Luckily we've got good performers so i hope it would be fun and joyful!
Another BIG news is, superB Dance Theatre got an offer from Korea for performance!!
One of theatre in Korea leads the dance festival from April to July 2012.
Each weekend will presents one company/group's own performance.
'Empty Room'(2009) is selected as part of this festival so we will present our work on early June!
The piece is going to be reworked for an hour version.
Can't wait to start the rehearsal with new performers in this Spring!!
It's time to show my ability~!!
07/Feb/2012 @ London, UK
by superB Dance Theatre
2012년 1월 13일 금요일
Vulnerable Creature (2011-12) - WiP highlights
Choreography - WooJung Kim
Dancer - Charlotte Coking
Part of Work in Progress
http://youtu.be/3X8eI3F_T_Y - youtube link!
26/Nov/2011 @ Newington Dance Space, London
By superB Dance Theatre
Lunacy (2011) - Performance Highlights
Highlights of Lunacy @ Empty Shop Project
Create and performance by Curious Tiptoe
(Britta Barthel, WooJung Kim, Marina Pogiatzi)
Music by Boram Choi
http://youtu.be/LcIieMStx68 - youtube link!
13/Aug/2011 @ Surrey, UK
by superB Dance Theatre
2012년 1월 12일 목요일
Vulnerable Creature (2011-12) WiP

Vulnerable Creature presented as part of Work in Progress at Newington Dance Space.
We've got several intersting feedback from other artists and audiences.
superB is so happy for working with Charlotte Coking, the amazing creative dancer and will finish the piece before end of February, i supposed.
I also appreciate Lauren Bridle's fantastic help in movement research!!
Photo by Jinhee Kim
26/Nov/2011 @ Newington Dance Space
by superB Dance Theatre
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