2010년 12월 31일 금요일

Happy New Year~!

Oh... finally 2011 is coming~!!
I didn't expected i could stay in Korea until now... kkk
superB is working hard.. i mean.. spinning brain for new project!
also it's almost ready to banging~!

i will be back to London on 6th of Feb so will see you soon all of my lovely people!
Happy New Year and enjoy your 2011!
Lots of Kisses from Korea~!!!

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 12월 18일 토요일

2010년 12월 16일 목요일


한국말로 쓸까... 블러그..?
늘지않는 영어덕에 머리가 더 아파온다.. 제길...

머리커서 사람 못만난다...는 말이 떠오름....
사람에 대해서, 순수하지 못한 내가 요즘 더럽다...
모냐... 뭐지..? 혼자서 머리굴리는거...
남이 머리굴리는거..
필요에 의해서 접근하고 관리하는거...
결국 다 필요에 의한것일까... 사람관계가...
오늘 13년전 고등학교 선배를 만나고...
이제 안지 얼마되지 않는 동생을 만나고...
사람을 대하고 기대함에 있어서....
영... 재수없다는 나를 발견해서 역겹고...
그렇게 계산적인 상대방의 패를 읽어버린다는 것이...

아이의 마음으로, 순수하게...
단순하고 정직하게 대하는 법...

사람이 제일 어렵고 힘들다...
늘 그렇듯...

people i met after my age 20...
i don't know why but i always feel some gap between us...
more and more...
it's not easy to meet someone without thought.
i mean.. it's almost impossible to facing each other purely...

it makes me sick... disgusting...
although i learn this for live in society, it's so tiring...
wanna be a child..
wanna have a simple thought...
wanna see everywhere for pure eyes...

hum... is it too late...?

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 12월 8일 수요일

hide and seek

where are you?
where is your focus?
where is your mind?
where is your next step?
where are you going now....?

timid me... is just following the edge of shadow...
try to not lose that but it's getting harder to follow...
the shadow is freeking cold...

my body is going to freezing but couldn't stop...
without brain... my body is out of control....
just seeking... seeking... seeking... the shadow..
and following... following... following... like a ghost...

doesn't matter the real 'YOU'.
i am not gonna meet you...
i am happy to see your back...
this is enough...
this is enough...
i am not gonna hurt myself....

this is enough...
this is enohgh...

영어도 잘 못하지만 막상 써놓고 보니...
한글로 옮기기도 좀 난해한 듯...
쉬우니까 다 알아보시리라 믿음~!
벽 뒤에 숨어서 바라보는 마음..
13살 소녀의 마음으로 바라보는 그 단순하고 순수한 사랑.
그걸로도 충분해,
뒤에서 열심히 따라가며 바라보는 뒷모습에...
행복해, 행복해...

06/10/2010 @ Jeonju Hanok Village, Korea

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 12월 5일 일요일

new piece is gonna be...

with full of emotion, i decided my new theme...

always i wanted but didn't get any occasion...
i think i can start with this now...

that's so powerful but painful...
doesn't matter where it is...
doesn't matter where it goes...
doesn't matter where it ends...
just felt it, and wanna keep it, and hide it...

full of throb,
full of sad,
full of smile,
full of tears...

it's time to stop,
it's time to move instead...

충만한 영감으로, 새로운 작업을 시작하려고 한다.
늘 생각했지만 계기가 딱히 없었던 내 소중한 아이디어...

한발짝도 더 나아가지 않겠다.
피흘리지 않겠다...
그냥 모든걸 멈추고...
움직이려고 한다...
그게 시작이자 끝이다...

28/11/2010 @ NAMI Island, Korea

By superB Dance Theatre

2010년 9월 29일 수요일

long time no see~!

i am just spending soooooooooooooo busy days in Korea~!
feel so quilty to my blog.... T.T
even i really enjoy my time in Korea, also very curious about all of London!
this photo is made by my sister's husband-to-be!

of course i am finding new idea for next project...
research is not easy, however! will bring fab ideas~!!

superB is still working so don't worry about that.
sending BIG hug to my all London people and here's too!

한국에서 너무 바쁜시간을 보내는 중이다.
블로그를 너무 신경못써서 좀 죄스럽기도 하고....
한국에서의 생활은 즐겁기 그지없지만, 런던의 사람들도 모든것들도 여전히 궁금하다.

사진은 내 컴퍼니를 환영하는 미래형부의 작품이다^^

새 작업을 위한 아이디어 구상은 여전히 진행중이다.
새로운 환경에서의 리서치는 쉽지 않지만, 돌아갈때 많은 아이디어를 가져갈것을... 구상중..^^

superB는 여전히 작업중이니 모두들 기대해주시고~
런던과 또한 어디든 계시는 내 사람들에게 크나큰 마음을 보낸다~~

photo - 02/08/2010 by Jino

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 7월 18일 일요일

Ready to present!! 'In between us' (2010)

superB's new piece, in between us, is ready to present!!
last few weeks was very busy so i was very worry about this project.
however, all my family, friends and dancers support me to finish this work.
thank you so much for your all kindness!!
18th of July, 2010 @ Cochrane Theatre!
you can see our lovely piece~!

superB의 새 작품, in between us가 공연준비를 마치다!
지난 몇주간 여러모로 바빴기에 이번 작업은 더욱더 걱정스러웠다.
가족과 친구들 그리고 내 댄서들의 응원과 도움없이 불가능했을 것이다.
모두의 응원에 더없는 감사를 드린다.
내일저녁, 2010년 7월 18일, Cochrane극장에서 우리의 사랑스런 작품을 만날 수 있다!!

01/07/2010, rehearsal moments @ London Buddhist Arts Centre

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 6월 20일 일요일

in between us - group work....

I didn't make a group work for a long time.
So 'in between us' is quite fresh to myself.
Actually, i was bit nervous to work with group.
hard to control, complicated...

maybe i am one of the character in this piece, be blocked myself.
through this project, i hope to break my fear.

have to be a bigger calibre!

오랜만에 하는 그룹작업이어서
'in between us'는 꽤나 설레이고 새롭다.
여러모로 그룹작업은 겁이 나는게 사실인지라,
나도 모르게 피했는지도 모르겠다.

작품의 인물도, 아니 작품 아이디어 자체도 나로부터 시작된것 같다.
개개인의 삶에 집중하며 사람간의 직접적인 교류가 줄어들고
그런 필요성도, 믿음도 사라지고 있는 요즘 사회에 찌들어가는 나.
이 작품으로 나부터 좀 마음을 열기를 바란다.

더 큰 그릇이 되야한다~!

June, 2010 @ Middlesex University, LBAC - London

by superB Dance Theatre

in between us(2010) - creating moment!

superB's new piece is processing now!
Lauren, Jess, Britta and Hayeon.
all my dancers are so lovely and great!

finding characters, movement, reason, meaning....
i am so exciting for next rehearsal with them!!

superB의 새로운 작업이 시작됐다!
사랑스런 나의 무용수들, Lauren, Jess, Britta 그리고 하연.
인물과 움직임, 그리고 그 정당성과 의미들.
특히나 스토리라인이 없이 조금은 추상적일지 모르는 장면들.
매번 리허설을 통해서 많은걸 배우고 찾아간다.
좋은 사람들과의 작업은 늘... 설레인다.^^

June, 2010 @ LBAC, Middlesex university - London

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 6월 3일 목요일

Do you have...

Do you have a neighbour who you can talk to?
Do you have a friend who you can call anytime?
Do you have a family who you can trust entirely?


Do you enjoy your LONELY life?

we might have or not.

it's all about this point of view...
it's my story,
it's your story,

it's our story.

어느쪽에 가깝습니까?

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 5월 26일 수요일

Starting Point!! hum....

with this smile~ started my new project!
this time is new challenge again! not about physical but mental way...
i hope i can enjoy this also my dancers too!!
it will be updated soon~

coming sooooooooooooooon~!!

새작업의 아이디어가 결정되다!
새로운 방식에 대한 도전이기도 하고, 몸보다 머리가 아픈 작업...!
무용수와의 만남, 그리고 결정들...
머릿속의 그림들이 눈 앞으로 잘 그려져나오길 바란다.
곧 업뎃 하겠슴~!

커밍 쑤운~~~~~~!


by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 4월 18일 일요일


been to Van Gogh's exhibition.
i shocked... about his never-ending passion~!
artist, he was a pure artist.
what about me? how lazy i am...!

my idea box didn't get any new items....
around 3 weeks, i was in stillness.
time to move! physically and mentally!!
let's start new project~!!

반 고흐의 특별전시를 보다!
그의 엄청난 열정과 무한한 도전에 충격을 받았다.
예술가란, 순수하게 예술을 하는 사람이란 저렇구나...
난 그 앞에서 참... 부끄럽기 그지없다.

지난 3주동안 새로운 작업을 위한 아이디어가 잡히지 않아서
마음도 몸도 참... 얼어있었다.
그의 순수한 예술적 열정에 심히 자극받고!
얼른 바삐바삐 새로운 무대를 위해서 움직여야겠다!
새작업, 아이디어 고고~!!!!


by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 4월 2일 금요일

after the performance...

i can breathe now.....
Cloud Dance Festival was great opportunity to present my piece.
Thank you, Lucia, you're so fabulous person as a dancer also a friend!
Glad to see you Chantal, hope to work together again. thank you so much!
All my friends who came, supported and helped me, Huge thanks and love....!

I will spend few more days for refreshment then.... start again!

coming soon.... with new item!!
opening all my senses to the world~~

photo - Pleasance Theatre

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 3월 23일 화요일

final rehearsal of NN~

almost there!
final rehearsal is finished today!!
after decided costume, made clear with small editing and full run~
my dancer worked quite well!
it's gone from my hands and just going to wait tech reh and show time!
couldn't believe i finish up this finally!!
thanks for my lovely dancer, Lucia and many friends who support me.
see you all in the theatre then!!
character and timing~!!

22/Mar/2010 @ solo studio in Middlesex University, London

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 3월 20일 토요일

cleaning of No sense? Nonsense! (2010)

Almost there!!
We tried to change some part for making clean.
Editing and cleaning is bit scary work to me because could be waved the basic theme.
Lucia and me focused on the character's situation and it was better than before.
i hope Lucia happy with that plus, costume!!
cross the fingers.... really need confidence!!

18/Mar/2010 @ Chisenhale Dance Space, London

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 3월 18일 목요일

finding costume...

I am very rusty in costume sense so researching ideas from friends.
for showing the identity of character, many people suggested leotard and tights.
I know how uncomfortable with that...(bad memory in ballet class.. kk)
Me and Mijoo, helping costume selection, had long discussion about that last night.
Hum.... it's not easy but we've took some stuff today!!
i hope it looks good with Lucia also comfortable to dance.

17/Mar/2010 @ cafe vergnano 1882, London

by superB Dance Theatre

choreograph as a dancer!

i normally choreograph myself and do rehearsal with dancer for teach.
however, this time i had a big mistake during own creation.
my dancer is more flexible than me, taller than me and cleverer than me!! T.T
so needed to rethink about these differences and edited.
it was great opportunity to work with great dancer and got better result.
many thanks to Lucia!! ^^

01/Mar/2010 @ Middlesex University, London

by superB Dance Theatre

brand new piece in 2010!

reworked 'Can I...?' in 2008.
it is focused on challenge of dancer even she lost her sense of legs.
for Cloud Dance Festival, I asked Lucia to work together and we started.
it is presented on 27th of March at Plasance Theatre as part of Cloud Dance Festival.


11/Mar/2010 @ Chisenhale Dance Space, London
Photo by Britta Barthel

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 3월 15일 월요일

snaps of Inside, I'm Dancing!

Marlo Su, Britta Barthel,Marina Pogiatzi
thanks for all my performers!

Nov/2009 @ Public place in London central, London

by superB Dance Theatre

Inside, I'm Dancing!(2009) - highlight

This project came from my funny habit in public.
Always i bring MP3 and play with some part of my body.
fingers, toes, face and etc... some hidden movements or bigger,
i automatically deal with rhythm when i listen to music.

with this idea, i attempted three different ways of trial.
unconscious, conscious but passive and conscious with active.
Moreover performers only followed the music but film is showing with and without music. The difference of perspective lead viewers between sentiment and reality.

Nov/2009 @ tube, park and starbucks in London central, London

by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 3월 14일 일요일

image of Escapist

08/Oct/2009 @ London

by superB Dance Theatre

Escapist (2009) - highlight

This is my first dancefilm project.

The work is shown a character of powerelss.
She thought her life is too simple and nothing change so she decides to escape from her situation by foolish way; SUICIDE.
She always try it in various ways however she doesn't have courage to finish it.

In this film, i only used everyday movements in order to chatacter's feeling also dealt with angel of camera and editing; with this elements i attempted to make 'dance' video.
The situations only happen in a small room which is reflective her inside

Oct/2009 @ London

by superB Dance Theatre

Leaflat of Empty Room by Ara Youn

Lovely leaflet design by Ara Youn
by superB Dance Theatre

2010년 3월 12일 금요일

photograph of Empty Room

Dancer - Lauren Bridle, Hana Kim
Choreography - WooJung Kim

20/Jan/2009 @ Lakeview Theatre, London

by superB Dance Theatre

Empty Room (2009) - highlight

The women's bodies always longs for motherhood.
Even when they didn't want to their bodies naturally protects the baby.
I am curious about the women's body, about what it feels like, when after the babies have been separated from the wombs.
whether they wanted to or not, the body will experience a feeling of vacuum within it.

20/Jan/2009 @ Lakeview Theatre, London

by superB Dance Theatre

Empty Room - Dancer Lauren

Lauren Bridle, studied together at London Studio Centre.
she is amazingly creative dancer and super-positive person.
already worked with her in 'Shameless' and this was second time.
she always be in my dancer list at the top!
looking forward to work with her again~!

19/Jan/2009 @ Lakeview Theatre, London

by superB Dance Theatre