2010년 12월 5일 일요일

new piece is gonna be...

with full of emotion, i decided my new theme...

always i wanted but didn't get any occasion...
i think i can start with this now...

that's so powerful but painful...
doesn't matter where it is...
doesn't matter where it goes...
doesn't matter where it ends...
just felt it, and wanna keep it, and hide it...

full of throb,
full of sad,
full of smile,
full of tears...

it's time to stop,
it's time to move instead...

충만한 영감으로, 새로운 작업을 시작하려고 한다.
늘 생각했지만 계기가 딱히 없었던 내 소중한 아이디어...

한발짝도 더 나아가지 않겠다.
피흘리지 않겠다...
그냥 모든걸 멈추고...
움직이려고 한다...
그게 시작이자 끝이다...

28/11/2010 @ NAMI Island, Korea

By superB Dance Theatre

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